

July 2024 Newsletter

July 2024 Newsletter

What a glorious June we had at St. Matthias. We started the month with Reva and Howard’s wonderful wedding. It was such a joy to officiate their wedding, my first! We continued our support for the annual Mission Devine program by making and serving 160 breakfast tacos for the volunteers and I gave the morning devotional. We made several trips to the Food Pantry Thrift Store to drop off a large assortment of donations. Meg, Kaylynn, and Luna helped deliver a pickup and carload of clothing, hygiene products, blankets and toys for Plaza de Paz Respite Center. Thank you everyone who donated items. Thank you, Jon, for installing our new cypher code, bio-metric fingerprint recognition and mobile phone access door handle units for our sanctuary front and back doors and Allison for figuring out the App. This will add additional security for our sanctuary and allow any parishioner to access the church whenever they want for prayer and meditation. Everyone worked so hard to get the church in shape. Thanks to Joe, Karen, Phyllis, Jo Ann, Meg and Javier for all the herculean effort to get things cleaned, handles put on kitchen cabinets, blinds cleaned, things scrubbed and hung up… so much was done. Thank you all.

We were so grateful to have Rt. Dev. Dr. David G. Read, Bishop of the Diocese of West Texas lead our worship service on Father’s Day giving a powerful sermon. It was heartwarming to watch him Confirm Angelique and Hector and Receive Javier into the Episcopal faith. 

Fr. Dexter Lesieur