The Food Pantry of Devine serves the residents of Southern Medina County and does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
St. Matthias supports the Devine Food Pantry thru donations, volunteers and Board Members.
Devine Hospice Thrift Store donated over $145,000 to charitable organizations from the proceeds of the Thrift Store. They have about 59 volunteers and are always looking for more help.
We hold continuous collections of items for the Hospice Thrift Store.
Mission Devine does home repairs and renovations for our neighbors who are elderly, disabled, veterans, single-parent families and others with special needs. For those who can not otherwise afford such repairs or renovations. They do this at no cost to the homeowner . Mission Devine organized in 2005 to bring the community together. Volunteers, churches, government and business -- to lend a helping hand to those in need when otherwise help seems out of reach. What's happened in the Devine area over the past years, culminating in the events of the selected week in June, is truly a model for how this process can work effectively.
Mission Devine is a ministry of the Ministerial Fellowship, a not-for-profit organization.
We provide support, assistance, resources, clothing, and essential goods to those in need.
Third Street Closet is focused on improving the quality of life of the people in our community by providing victims of crime, fire, and poverty, FREE assistance with clothing and household goods.
We continue assisting those in need by providing monthly food boxes in the form of monthly relief and support. Our clients come for immediate relief and basic essentials. What makes Third Street Closet different is that our assistance is completely FREE. There are no monies taken from our clients in need, and there are no applications.
Our thrift store is also open to the public. 100% of thrift store sales go back into the Third Street Closet and its programs.
We are a military/veteran friendly church. We appreciate and recognize active duty, veterans, and their families. We work closely with the DWTX Military Ministry. A Military Ministry Toolkit is available, full of resources for every congregation, as well as a list of Military Ministry Contact Persons.
HANK was conceived and formed by John & Debbie Southwell of Hondo, Texas. John & Debbie are volunteers in the CASA program working with abused children through the Bluebonnet Children's Center in Hondo, Texas. As a result, they discovered many needs that these children have which are not being met - things that other children take for granted. HANK was designed to work very closely with the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) and Bluebonnet Children's Center, which includes the Tri-County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) program and the Children's Advocacy Center, to help provide these items when other resources are not available - items such as beds, sporting equipment, band instruments, Christmas and birthday presents, school supplies, graduation invitations and photos, class rings, etc. Each year there are over 250 children in Medina, Uvalde and Real Counties who have been removed and are in the care of DFPS. These kids need our help - and your donations will provide that help.
We collect household and children's items to use in the foster homes for HANK kids.
The Devine Ministerial Fellowship is a collective group of ministers and clergy from the Devine, Natalia, Lytle and Moore Texas communities. These ministers and clergy meet weekly to honor God and to assist one another in their spiritual, church and community needs - praying for the sick and responding to the needs of their Church members.
St. Matthias is an active member of the Devine Ministerial Fellowship which provides many volunteer opportunities for community outreach programs, such as Benevolence, Food Pantry, Medina County Jail Ministry, Mission Devine, Salvation Army, Youth Activities and Women's Brunch. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.