

July 2023 Newsletter

I pray everyone is enjoying the summer weather. It did hit 110 in Devine and the heat index was 119. We’re all counting the days until the Ordination and Consecration Service of the 11th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Texas, the Rev. Dr. David G. Read on Saturday, July 8 at 11:00 a.m. at All Saints Chapel, TMI Episcopal. I encourage everyone to watch online at if you can’t attend in person.

We had a fun time at Manda’s (JoAnn’s daughter) surprise birthday party that included Karaoke. (See above photo). Allison and John sang “You’re the one that I want” and Meg and I sang “Summer Love”. I knew there would be karaoke so I previously Googled Karaoke songs to sing for folks who can’t sing. The DJ confirmed why Meg cuts my mike during the hymns on Sunday when he said, “see folks you don’t need to be a professional singer to come up here to sing!”

Fr. Dexter Lesieur