March 2022 Newsletter
I pray everyone will have a reflective Lenten Season. The highlight of February was the annual Diocesan visit, this year by Bishop Reed. He confirmed Brooke Walters and Allison Soret. Bishop Reed saw the many improvements we’ve made to our buildings and grounds. He was very happy with our church family atmosphere with children running and having fun. Bishop Reed was able to hear our Psalmist, Pat Leece from New York, who is one of our online church family. Erika did a fantastic job serving as the Bishop’s Chaplain. We had a delicious pancake breakfast including bacon, sausage, fruit salad, quiches and of course pancakes! I want to thank everyone who made this day a memorable experience for Brooke and Allison.
Continued Improvements
I want to thank a couple who want to remain anonymous for fixing our church walkway. Your efforts a greatly appreciated. The kitchen is continuing to look more modern! The new floor is almost complete, thanks to Rob and Erik for figuring out how to put down the flooring. Painting the outside of the church continues, the warmer weather will help to get it completed.